
GRA launches Malaria Control Strategy in Koforidua

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 Source: GNA

The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) on Monday launched a Malaria Control Strategy in Koforidua aimed at addressing the health and social challenges the disease poses to productivity.

The Strategy is a collaborative effort of the GRA, the National Malaria Control programme, the John Hopkins University Centre for Communication Programmes and Voices for a Malaria-Free future.

The theme for the programme is “Protecting staff, families and communities against Malaria; a Malaria –free people for a healthy economy”.

Mrs Helen Adjoa Ntoso, the Eastern Regional Minister in a keynote address charged District Assemblies and traditional authorities to be ambassadors for promoting regular use of the treated mosquito nets.

She advised pregnant women to report to health facilities on time and anyone who is diagnosed of malaria should use only medically prescribed drugs in treating the disease.

“In this way, our goal of eliminating the disease from the society will be achieved”.

Mrs Ntoso indicated that available statistics showed that at the close of last year, Ghana completed the distribution of 12.4 million Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINS) for a population of 24.6 million.

She advised that all those nets be put to effective use every night to prevent the bite of infected mosquitoes that transmit the parasite.

Mrs Ntoso said Malaria Control was not the monopoly of any one organization, adding that, it was the responsibility of all institutions, organizations and individuals.

“It is for this reason that the National Malaria Control Programmes vision of bringing on board private institutions such as the GRA is appropriate and laudable”.

The Regional Minister noted that malaria stands between “us in the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals of reducing extreme poverty, achieving universal primary education, reducing child mortality, ensuring environmental sustainability and empowerment of women”.

Mr George Blankson, Commissioner General, GRA, launching the Strategy, urged the three divisions of the Authority- Customs, Domestic Tax and Support Services to support the development of all programmes and activities directed at its implementation.

“It is our promise that a defeat for Malaria within the GRA will amount to strengthening our workforce and therefore greater revenue mobilization for our country- Ghana, and we shall all work assiduously towards the achievement of nothing short of that”.

Daasebre Dr Oti Boateng, the Omanhene of the New Juaben Traditional Area, who chaired the function, indicated that health is a major asset and without it no nation can develop.

He noted that sanitary conditions in Ghana were not the best and called for concerted efforts from all to rid the society of filth.

Source: GNA