Photos from the health screening
Health is a state of a complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit, and when someone is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions hence the mental quickness and sharpness.
The value of health screening affords the opportunity for everyone to be updated on their basic health status within a particular locality or community therefore it is important that community leaders and stakeholders will always collaborate with health institution in order to check for a regular update on basic health care such as hypertension (High blood pressure), diabetes mellitus, obesity, hyperlipidaemia (High blood cholesterol), colorectal cancer and cervical cancer & breast cancer.
Domicil Im Nikolaiviertel in Hannover, Germany in partnership with the chief of Sarpeiman-Faase (rural community within the Ga west municipal assembly in the Greater region of Ghana) has organized a free health screening dubbed ‘’DI-HYP’’ which stands for a free screening on diabetes and hypertension for residents in the area to mark their annual homowo celebration.
The screening started with a health talk focusing on why and how to keep your diabetes level and hypertension rate at normal in all times.
Five hundred individuals were screened for diabetes and hypertension, which according to the two facilitators; sister’s Rovia Ankrah and Rebecca Aple will help boost their knowledge on their health status as well as educate the community members on what to do in order to keep healthier lifestyle because the groundwork for all happiness is good health.
‘’Regular health exams and tests can help find problems before they start, also can help find problems early, which makes your chances for treatment and cure better. By getting the right basic health services, screenings, and treatments, you are taking right steps that help your chances for living a longer, healthier life,’’ said Rovia Ankrah, certified health worker with Domicil Im Nikolaiviertel.
The chief of Sarpeiman-Faase Togbui Agar Semaglo I, says he is committed to working hard to make further strides to improve health delivery of the residents in the community.
He thank Domicil Im Nikolaiviertel from Hannover in Germany for the noble work and ask for more collaborations as well as other areas that will benefit the community.