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Govt presents ambulance to hospital

Fri, 13 Feb 2015 Source: GNA

The Deputy Eastern Regional Minister, Ms Mavis Ama Frimpong, has appealed to Ghanaians to trust the government to deal with the power crisis.

She said if the government had been able to solve the perennial water challenge which faced Adenta for over 15 years it would similarly solve the power crisis as soon as possible.

“The Mahama led government is poised to make life comfortable to Ghanaians; all he needs is our unflinching commitment and support,” she added.

Ms Frimpong said this when she presented a new fire tender and an ambulance to the Birim North District Office of the Ghana National Fire Service and the Ambulance Service respectively at New Abirem.

She urged Ghanaians to augment the government’s effort by conserving power in their homes and work places to reduce pressure on power generation and distribution.

She said the government had procured some X-ray machines for some hospitals of which one had been earmarked for the Birim North District Hospital.

Ms Frimpong said the government had started rehabilitating roads in the district including the Old Abirem/Subi road and soon work would start on the Abirem/Nkawkaw road.

She said the district had been allocated one of the 200 Community Day Senior High Schools.

Obrempong Kwasi Amo Kyeretwie, Paramount Chief of Abirem, expressed gratitude to the government for responding to their request by providing the fire tender and the ambulance.

He said the district would now breathe a sigh of relief with the availability of those facilities and presented eight beds to the district fire office.

The chief pledged to donate six more beds and offer accommodation to the staff of the ambulance service to enable them work in happiness.

He appealed to the government to urgently construct more basic schools to help reduce congestion in the schools.

Mr Paul Aboagye Dadzie, the Birim North District Chief Executive, said the facilities formed part of the government’s move to resource the district assemblies.

Source: GNA