Some of the team with the children in a group photo
Hopeworks Ghana, a non-profit youth development organization has successfully organized the maiden edition of Ausome Digest at the Epicentre Ghana to educate and empower the autism community especially parents and guardians who cater for autistic children.
Ausome Digest is a training program geared towards helping parents, special needs teachers and individuals better understand Autism Spectrum Disorder to enhance relations with persons with autism.
Mr. Patrick Akuffo, President of Hopeworks Ghana in his welcome address noted that Ausome Digest would be organized every two months to help caregivers understand better the needs of persons with Autism. The program according to him would also “touch on other related developmental disabilities aimed at discussing social related issues, sharing inspiration, challenges and experiences and offering support as well as counseling to other parents.
Mrs. Salomey Heyman, Principal Nutritionist at the La General Hospital educated participants on some specific dietary intervention for children on the Autism spectrum disorder.
The event provided childcare for children with Autism and were engaged in some activities such as arts and craft, image matching, pattern, life skills and other games.
Some participants expressed appreciation to Hopeworks Ghana for organizing such an educative program which brought together parents and caregivers to learn more on the appropriate care for persons with autism and called for more insights into the topic.
In addition to that, Mr. Patrick Akuffo also expressed his gratitude to children’s Oasis Foundation (Texas, USA) the Epicentre Ghana, Fimpact and TBN for supporting the Ausome Digest training.