Ashaiman, Oct.20, GNA - Mr David Quaye Annang, Tema Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), has called on herbalists to intensify research into medicine for HIV/AIDS and come out with preventive medicine for the pandemic.
Mr Annang made the call in a speech read for him at the inauguration of the Golf City Co-operative Herbal Manufacturers and Marketing Society (CHMMS) at Golf City near Ashaiman.
The seven-member executives of the society, has Mr Stephen Otchere as President and Mr Isaac Nyarko, Vice President.
Mr Annang urged Ghanaians to disabuse their minds from the notion that herbal medicine had satanic forces, adding "No one should look down on herbal medicine because God has given potency to herbs as well as knowledge to individuals about the efficacy of herbs." Mr Ernest Dame, Deputy Registrar of the Department of Co-operatives swore the executive members into office and presented them with a Certificate of Registration.
He urged them to study the Co-operative bye-laws and explain them to members to enable them live up to their responsibilities. Mr Otchere pledged the determination of the executives to lead the members in humility and truth.
He said the society would soon establish herbal shops at Tema and Ashaiman in addition to the main shop at Golf City, to bring health care delivery to the doorsteps of Ghanaians. 20 Oct.05