
Medical and Dental Council endorses Medical Assistants

Mon, 6 Jun 2011 Source: GNA

Cape Coast, June 6, GNA - The long cherished dream of Medical Assistants to operate under the tutelage of the Medical and Dental Council of Ghana, was realized over the weekend. It occurred when 234 of its members were inducted into the fold of the council at the University of Cape Coast.

The Medical Assistants, now operating under name, 93Physician Assistants" have therefore been duly registered and their practices regulated under the health care system's Medical and Dental Decree 1972 (= NRC 91).

This decree requires practitioners to be responsible for securing in the public interest the highest standards in the practice of medicine and dentistry in Ghana.

Dr Kofi Adadey, chairman of the Medical and Dental Council, said that the regulation of their practice was to ensure that they were not left behind in a dynamic world which had become a global village. He urged them to respect the code of conduct regulating their practice and avoid poor clinical performance, absenteeism and ill treatment of patients. Dr Adadey paid tribute to them for their invaluable and sacrificial services over the past 40 years as they serve in the remotest and deprived parts of the country.

He urged them to be innovative adding that 93we will closely monitor your performance" and give you the necessary support to succeed. He gave the assurance that all the laws regulating the practice of professionals in the health sector were being reviewed whiles new ones woul= d be introduced to cover areas that have not been regulated. The Pro Vice Chancellor of UCC, Professor Dominic Kuupole, paid tribut= e to the Physician Assistants for their immense contribution towards health care delivery.

He noted that despite the positive health indicators, the health situation in Ghana was still far from being satisfactory and called for equity in the distribution of health care resources to the benefit of everyone.

Professor Kuupole reminded them that their recognition comes with a great responsibility and urged them to uphold high moral and ethical principles.

It would be recalled that last year the Medical Assistants Association had in a communiqu=E9 asked the Ghana Health Service to endorse their practice. It had indicated that it members serve about 70% of the country's population mainly in the rural areas, yet the Heath Service did not recognize them. 06 June 2011


Source: GNA