Tramadol - a substance that acts on opioid receptors and is primarily used for pain relief
The Ministry of Health has by executive instrument banned the sale of codeine induced cough syrups and restricted access to tramadol induced drugs in pharmacies or chemical shops nationwide with immediate effect.
A notice by the Food and Drugs Authority stated that such drugs will not be reclassified and dispensed as “Prescription Only Medicines” and shall not be prescribed and dispensed at health facilities below the level of District Hospitals.
“The Executive Instrument for the Restriction of Importation, Manufacture and Registration of Codeine containing Cough Syrups (E. I. 167) is promulgated.” Parts of the notice added “in further exercise of the powers conferred on the Minister for Health for Health by section 116 of the Public Health Act, 2012 (Act 851) the Executive Instrument for the Control of the Importation, Manufacture and Sale of Tramadol and Tramadol containing products (E. I168) is promulgated.”