
NHIS incomplete without Herbal Hospitals- Dr Agbeve

Sat, 14 Feb 2015 Source: Isaac Kyei Andoh

The CEO of Agbeve Herbal Hospital has called on government and The National Health Insurance Authority to prove their commitment to making quality health care available to all Ghanaians by drafting Herbal Herbal Clinics and Hospitals in good standing into the program.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with this reporter, the celebrated Herbal Medicine Practitioner indicated that he could not phantom why Herbal Medical Facilities are not allowed to provide health care service on the ticket of the scheme.

According to him, despite the fact that many Ghanaians prefer being treated the traditional and natural way by the Herbal Hospitals, they are forced to go for orthodox treatment because the NHIS is limited to orthodox.

"The interesting aspect of this is that most professional doctors are aware of the eficacy of herbal medicines and even go to the extent of recommending it to their patients when other medicines failed to yiel good result"

"It therefore amazes me that The National Health Insurance Authority remain reluctant to include us on the program despite the fact we are recognised by the government, food and drugs board and and all the regulatory bodies."

"According to Dr Agbeve, gone are the days when herbalists and their use of herbs as cure for disease raised eyebrows, today, they represent the most reliable source of treatment because of adopted scientific approach.

Diseases like stroke, hypertension, high and low blood pressure which takes ages and sometimes proves incurable succumbs to herbal treatment in just a matter of months.

He indicated that the mere fact that herbal medicine keeps thriving and competing with the orthondox is a clear sign that herbal medicine is ulternatively an effective way to good health.

"The root of every good and side-effect free medicine is herbs and the technical people managing our health are very much aware of this"

It baffles me that we still suffer these descriminations from the NHIA despite the progress we have made over the years and our impact on the nation"

If we are a nation committed to the call of President Mahama to prioritise local business and products, the first step is to be in charge of our health.

According to him, there are a lot of Herbal Hospitals and Clinics who have better treament equipments compared to some of the health facilities already on the program

He challenged the NHIA to prove the they are truely for universal availability of primary health care to all by bringing the Herbal Hospital into the program to enable the countless Ghanaians who prefer treatment through herbs benefit from the program as well.

Dr. Alhaji Mohammed Agbeve has been the face and advocate for herbal medical practioners in the country over the last decade

His facility, the Agbeve Herbal Hospital at Sowutuom Last Stop is considered one of the most modern herrbal health facilities in West Africa

Source: Isaac Kyei Andoh