
National Service deploys 1,035 nurses and midwives

Fri, 9 Dec 2011 Source: --


The Ghana National Service Scheme (GNSS) has successfully deployed one thousand and thirty-five (1,035) Nurses and Midwives to a total of two hundred and ninety-nine (229) health facilities across the country for their national service.

The deployment, which is helping augment greatly the availability of health personnel in rural communities, is the result of a memorandum of understanding signed between the GNSS, the Ministry of Health and Health Regulatory Bodies on May 09, 2011.

The nurses and midwives will commence their service on December 15 this year, and follows the successful completion of their professional examination.

A statement signed by the Executive Director of the GNSS, Vincent Senam Kuagbenu, asked all nurses and midwives registered for the 2011-2012 national service year to visit the GNSS website, www.nssghana.org, to access their posting letters.

“They will then proceed to the Regional Offices of the Scheme to complete their registration and go to their various places of posting”, the statement added.

Mr. Kuagbenu thanked the Ministry of Health, the Nurses and Midwives Council and the Nurses Training Colleges for the smooth implementation of the MoU, noting that the deployment is in line with Section 3 (1)(d) of the GNSS Act, Act 426 of 1980.

Table 1. Categories of Nurses and Midwives deployed

No. Category Number Deployed Percentage

1. Registered General Nurses 681 66

2. Registered Community Nurses 12 1

3. Registered Midwives 112 11

4. Registered Mental Health Nurses 230 22

TOTAL 1,035 100

Table 2. Regional Deployment

Registered Community Nursing Registered General Nursing Registered Midwifery Registered Mental Nursing Number of Health Facilities


Ashanti - 148 87 1 19 236

B/Ahafo - 54 19 1 15 74

Central 7 60 11 35 9 113

Eastern 4 35 27 1 14 67

Gt. Accra 1 108 3 69 34 181

Northern - 53 - 1 20 54

Upper East - 76 - 1 20 77

Upper West - 35 11 1 5 47

Volta - 56 38 1 37 95

Western - 56 34 1 26 91

Total 12 681 230 112 229 1,035

Source: --