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Pharmacists urged to be kind to patients

Cholera Patient Rests In A Baghdad Hospital. Reuters File photo

Thu, 11 Aug 2016 Source: GNA

Professor Alexander Nii Oto Dodoo, the Director of the African Collaborating Center for Pharmacovigilance, on Wednesday advised pharmacists in the country to demonstrate love and kindness to their patients.

He said: “The destiny of the country lies in the hands of pharmacists," and urged practitioners to place priority in the welfare of patients.

Professor Dodoo, who is an Associate Professor of the University of Ghana, gave the advice when he addressed the opening session of the 2016 Annual General Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana (PSHG) in Sunyani.

He said though pharmacists in both formal and informal sectors were confronted with several occupational challenges, practitioners ought to remember and understand they were called to serve humanity without reservations.

The five-day meeting is on the theme: "Pharmacy Practice: Optimizing Patients Safety".

Prof Dodoo reminded the pharmacists on the need to be vigilant in drug administration and prescription so that avoidable deaths as a result of medical or medication errors could be controlled.

He asked them to endeavour to avoid the over and uncontrolled used of abbreviations which, according to him, remained a daunting challenge in the sector towards patient safety.

Mr Justice Samuel Adjei, the Deputy Brong-Ahafo Regional Minister, underscored the importance to support pharmacists to put in place approproriate systems and mechanisations to save lives.

He said as the Government worked towards improving the conditions of service of pharmacists, practitioners must also exhibit high level of professionalism and ethical standards in the course of their duties.

Mr Thomas Boateng Appiagyei, the President of the PSGH, said the leadership of the society was poised to ensure a new outlook of pharmacy grounded on three pillars - respected profession, revered practice and reputed professionals.

To achieve these, he said, the executive body of the society intended to restructure, resource and empower the national secretariat in an enabling environment, develop a 10-year strategic plan and explore alternative sources of generating income.

Mr Appiagyei said the society had finally obtained the original land title which had paved the way for massive works to begin on the national headquarters project.

Source: GNA