Dr Peter Yeboah, Executive Director, CHAG
The Executive Director of Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG), Dr Peter Yeboah, has charged CHAG members to respect and serve patients who visit their facilities with equity and equality.
According to him, these are the standard principles CHAG members uphold to and they are timeless values that inspire CHAG professionals to offer their very best of care to all manner of persons irrespective of their socio-economic circumstances.
“Our approach is indeed aligned with the oldest ethical paradigms in medical practice which is to do no harm in recognition of the principles benevolence, beneficence and non-munificence...” Dr Yeboah said at the launch of CHAG-SafeCare Quality Improvement Programme in Accra.
He explained that every discharge of duty towards CHAG patients must be of utmost benefit to the patients with an emphasis on reducing harm.
Dr Yeboah noted further that Ghana as a nation has made strides in several health outcome indicators such as maternal and child health indicators as well as life expectancy at birth.
“These are befitting tributes to many of the CHAG managers who have sacrificed themselves to serve and save millions of people in the remotest areas of our country,” he stressed.
CHAG in partnership with PharmAccess will help build the capacity of staff for comprehensive facility-wide quality assessment and implementation of continuous quality improvement activities within a three-year period.
CHAG will for now position itself as a champion and advocate of quality until all CHAG facilities become compliant to international quality standards by the year 2023.