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Techiman records 32 HIV/AIDS victims

Thu, 6 Mar 2008 Source: GNA

Techiman (B/A), March. 6, GNA- Thirty-two out of 134 persons, who underwent voluntary counselling and testing of HIV/AIDS in the Techiman municipality last year tested positive. Out of the figure, 28 of them are persons in active work and aged between 20 and 44.

Mr Prince Yaw Donyina, Municipal Chief Executive, disclosed this at the first meeting of the district assembly. He said a total of 47 clients were currently on anti-retroviral therapy administered by the Techiman Holy Family hospital. Thirty-two of these clients are females and 14 males, and implored Assembly Members to join the crusade against the pandemic. On the fight against malaria, Mr Donyina said the Ministry of Health Directorate would continue to support the control of malaria and urged the Assembly Members to educate the people on its prevention. He lauded the efforts of the Techiman Municipal Insurance Scheme and the stakeholders for the good work it was doing and also for having a total membership of 120,000, since its inception in 2005. Mr Ignatius Baffour-Awuah, Brong-Ahafo Regional Minister, expressed the government's commitment to the growth of the private sector and would thus work hard to remove bottlenecks militating against the sector's development.

He asked the people to appreciate the government efforts in stabilizing the micro-economy environment and called on Assembly Members to support the government to improve the standard of living of Ghanaians.

Mr Baffour-Awuah commended the Municipal Assembly for its efforts at improving education on the prevention of bushfires. Mr Kofi Asamoah Abanaba, Presiding Member, charged the Assembly to unite and work hard towards the development of the municipality.

Source: GNA