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UNDP donates medical equipment to Zabzugu Hospital

Tue, 12 Apr 2016 Source: GNA

The United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA), has donated medical equipment to the Zabzugu District Hospital in the Northern Region.

The donation that came through the District Assembly as the Implementing Partner (IP) of UNFPA programmes included two Ultrasound machines and two Resuscitator (Ambubag) equipment.

Speaking to the media after the handing over ceremony, the District Director of Ghana Health Services, Madam Elizabeth Kopri said operating a facility of a district hospital status without an ultrasound machine for all these years has been very challenging.

“Patients that needed services that involved the use of ultrasound machine, including pregnant women were referred to the Yendi Hospital, many times under life-threatening conditions and other associated inconveniences,” she said.

According to her, the hospital also had only two ambubag equipment, which she said were inadequate.

She said: “This equipment is very crucial in complementing our life-saving efforts. This is because it is used to supply oxygen manually to patients in coma, asphyxiated babies and others that have breathing difficulties and need supply of oxygen supply.”

Madam Kopri expressed appreciation to the UNFPA and the District Assembly for the gift and appealed to other organisations, individuals and groups of persons to emulate the good example.

The Focal Person of UNFPA at the District Assembly, Mr Mohammed Salahudeen said the donation was in accordance with provision of 2015 IPs annual work plan as approved by the UNFPA.

Source: GNA