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UNICEF'S logistics arrive for war against infant mortality

Thu, 29 Mar 2007 Source: GNA

Dorimon U/W, March 29, GNA - All the eight districts in the Upper West region have started receiving their allocations of UNICEF funded 1 ..6 million dollars logistics and materials for the start of a battle against the high rate of infant mortality in the region. The region has the highest rate of under five mortality presently standing at 208 per 1,000 live births as against the national average of 111 per 1,000 live births.

The Upper West Regional Minister, Mr Ambrose Dery, presented 112 out of the district's share of 450 bicycles and first aid kits to community health volunteers in the Dorimon sub district of the Ghana Health Service.

The bicycles are to be used by the volunteers to carry out education programmes in communities on how best to take care of their infant children so that they could grow into adulthood. Mr Dery expressed the gratitude of the people of the region to UNICEF for funding the exercise.

Naa Sohamininye Dana Gore, the Paramount Chief of Dorimon Traditional Area, appealed to the volunteers to take the exercise seriously so as to ensure the future of children in the region. 29 March 07

Source: GNA