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Wa Municipal Assembly launches cholera prevention exercise

Gna Cholera Cholera prevention exercise

Mon, 29 Jun 2015 Source: GNA

The Wa Municipal Assembly has launched a cholera prevention spraying exercise to curb the disease in the municipality this raining season.

The municipality last year recorded 18 cholera cases with one death, hence the spraying exercise.

Mr Issahku Nuhu-Putiaha, the Wa Municipal Chief Executive, who launched the exercise, said the nation was hit with a cholera pandemic last year with a total of 16,613 cases being recorded; with 130 deaths from 91 districts in nine out of the 10 regions of the country.

He said the Assembly has contracted the Waste Landfill Company Limited to spray toilets, sewerage and other unclean environments in the municipality.

Mr Nuhu-Putiaha said the Company would undertake this objective in collaboration with the regional health directorate and the Wa Municipal Environmental Health Unit.

He said the Assembly would also organize durbars in some communities to educate them on ways to prevent the contamination of their drinking water sources.

Mr Abu Iddrisu Nafiu, the Regional Supervisor of the Waste Landfill Company Limited, appealed to the people to avoid dumping refuse indiscriminately and develop interest in personal and environmental hygiene.

He said the Company was in the process of restructuring the Wa Landfill to a level, capable of producing electricity for the people.

Source: GNA