
You can avoid cholera by proper hand washing

Hand Washing

Sat, 2 Aug 2014 Source: GNA

Mrs. Margerat Annan, Nurse Manager of the Kwesimintsin Hospital on Friday said proper hand-washing with soap was is key in controlling the spread of the cholera disease.

She said proper hand washing with soap after sneezing, visiting the toilet, shaking of hands, coughing publicly, among other practices, and urged that precautionary measures must be undertaken by households, individuals and food vendors in the wake of the cholera outbreak.

Mrs. Annan told the GNA in an interview during a visit to the facility that, cholera was mainly transmitted through feaces, which causes the affected person to vomit regularly. The Nurse Manager said children were vulnerable to the disease.

She said as a first aid, small teaspoon of salt and half teaspoon of sugar in a medium size pet container, in addition to other fluids, must be administered at home in case of suspected diarrhea and the person rushed to the hospital immediately.

Mrs. Annan also advocated a clean environment, eating hot foods and buying food from clean environment as some of the preventive measures.

Source: GNA