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Pharmacy council must be changed to General Pharmaceutical Council to help in broader oversight
Eating fufu at 10pm continuously is as equal as taking tramadol something that Akandoh used to do during late Prof Mills regime.Such a bushman cannot advise the public.
Mr Minster, stop this propaganda and get down to business. This is not a national security issue. We have bad hospitals, people sleeping in hospital walk ways and waiting to receive treatment, people are dying without simple ...
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MP Akandoh, is the India pharmaceutical company being accesarory to illicit drug distribution still opened or closed? This is not business as usual. What has the president calling you got to do with taking the necessary actio ...
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Go to the weed getthos and slums that is where the real fight is they sell all kind of drugs.
The health minister does not have any knowledge of which drugs are narcotics or not. What do you expect when you put a Mathematician as a Minister of Health. It is not Mr. Akandoh's fault. It is the fault of the President who ...
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