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I have millions readily available for donation. It is a noble idea. Atopa hene must approve it.
This is a challenge to God,if you are
not gifted by God,dont force the issue
Bringing bastard children or contacting veneral disease.
In fact i have two drummes of clean and healthy sperms for sale.
Remember everyone! Lack of knowledge about the original purpose for anything leads to abuse. This is a gateway to masturbation for profit.
Why any sensible person will agree that his wife should receive the sperm of some vagabond sakawa man and bring up a strange child beats my imagination.
So-called modernity is 'killing' us. Go ask your grandmother if it i ...
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Don't cause confusion. The expert said it should be REGULATED not LEGALISED. You obviously don't understand the difference between these two. Use google dictionary and get some education.
oh Mic sorry you have not grasp the cunning nature of the Dr. let me ask you, how can you regulate something you do not accept? It is like someone asking you "are a thief or a robber?" just playing on words.
My brother, thanks for your point. I think the doctor is more worried that the absence of regulation than the morality of it. He believes that there will more problems if not regulated.
For instance in the UK and the USA, ...
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Don't we have more urgent issues to worry about?
Yes it is. Some people see the bigger picture. We should not all follow one issue like class 3 children playing football and ignore others.
If it is legalised I would make sure that all the girls who have been getting it for free from me would now have to pay for it.
If this law has been brought in earlier, I would have been a cedi millionaire by now.
Even ...
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it will be normal for both the donor and the recipient.
I don't know What this Dr. Kwarko, tolking about may be he want to be famous but what his said about the spray TSD and not agree with him bcos that donor will pass for screen all lab test to be sure that person is qualifier i ...
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Ready to donate
“It is a very fertile industry,” - "it "pays my brother" - These are the exact words of this crook called Fred working as an undercover physician for Sly Mensah of NHIS. He slept with my sister Thelma in the USA several t ...
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“It is a very fertile industry,” - "it pays my brother" - These are the exact words of this crook called Fred working as an undercover physician for Sly Mensah of NHIS. He slept with my sister Thelma in the USA several ti ...
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he can only rule Kumasi and part of akyem
if you need 18 karat yellow n white gold rings for yr wedding n engagement ...then search samo jewellery on facebook for pictures n prices...or call sam on 0244717600...or 0574913521.the 3 set ranges between 850gh to 1000gh c ...
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This is the most stupidity said i have never seen on here because.Once we were all educated on the causes of Low Sperm Count how come a human will go into to the cuase of it and if it has now affect you who do you want to do ...
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if you are a woman,fertility center,lesbian,couples etc. and you need the donation of
oh dear screen them first