
‘We need a clearly defined policy on laboratory practice’

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  • 9 years ago

    Hey guys you are on course keep it up. I wish everyone will come on board this time round to pursue this agenda for the good of our noble profession.

  • Dennis Adu-Gyasi 9 years ago

    The absence of these policies affect the job description and even our pay structure. I hope that's not the major headache for the government to show the apathy exhibited towards the launch of the policy.
    The future of labora ...
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  • CNkrumah 9 years ago

    Cannot believe such a delicate profession operates in vacuum.Are Ghanaians safe in our various hospitals?

  • Paul Ntiamoah 9 years ago

    The concerns raised by the laboratory group are legitimate. if these issues are addressed, it will lead to great improvement in healthcare delivery in Ghana

  • Akilla Awe Martin 9 years ago

    The doctors are greedy and selfish people.they must leave the laboratory scientist to manage their lab.bcos we have no problem with the lab.government as a matter of urgent implement all the policies for the work well ...
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  • Mawunyo mensah 9 years ago

    why do doctors want to be everywhere? we will not allow this to happen under our watch.

  • Paul Sakpaku 9 years ago

    The medical laboratory profession is key in the diagnosis of various health challenges presented by patients visiting our various hospitals. Meaning they tell the doctor you have malaria, typhoid, HIV1or2, cholera, hepatitis ...
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  • kwesiahmed 9 years ago

    hmmm...very soon these Doctors will ask for offices at the presidency . Ghanaians should wake up resist their blackmail!

  • Quamina 9 years ago

    This is a very goog course i believe all should follow to help push it. Because,the doctors want to have control over everything. I wonder if a doctor can head a pharmacy,if not then why are they trying to do so with the lab. ...
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  • Clement. 9 years ago

    I think the college of physicians and surgeons should train doctors in nursing, pharmacy, radiology and all the other disciplines, so that they can head everywhere since they think they are the only people with brains.

  • Evans Owusu 9 years ago

    what at all is preventing the laboratory policy from being launched? Anyway what will the said doctors do in the various laboratories? There are a lot of empty consulting rooms in the district hospitals where they can be head ...
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  • kwasi gyamfi 9 years ago

    it sometimes surprises me when I see Ghanaian doctors showing much greed. They want to head every department in the hospital. why? I won't be surprised if they request to be heads of security unit.

  • gifty Wilmot 9 years ago

    This is getting out of hands. How come the pharmacist head their own unit but the doctors want to rule us? We are not going to allow that. I bet you they don't even understand what goes on in the lab. With their anatomy and p ...
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  • Inusah Abass 9 years ago

    the lab guys need to be united for this course which i think will turn the table around.but what at all is wrong with these doctors,they want to be everywhere. greedy bastards

  • masoud Mac 9 years ago

    I think this group of the health profession is making sense. And the earlier government pays heed to their call ,the better for Ghanaians.
    The policy should be endorsed to make their practise safe.
    About, GCPS, the least s ...
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  • Kofi Nyansa Nyansa 9 years ago

    I said this in the house and my little sister at the shs asked, are these doctors too many in the country and are they done with their work that they now want to enter the lab?

    They saw lab and they chose medicine what is ...
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  • Welbeck 9 years ago

    That is how come our health system never works well. It is time we got things regulated and working well. How do our doctors want to manage what they cannot do? Lab professionals are well capable of managing their own affairs ...
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  • emmanuel 9 years ago

    Who quality controls lab reagents. No policy on who should sell lab reagents. These are reagents that determines our health status.

  • Simon 9 years ago

    'Give to Ceasar wat belongs to Ceasar n to God wat belongs to God...doctors lets follow dis bibical statement