
Ahanta West NDC boils

NDC Colours File photo

Fri, 11 Dec 2015 Source: Daily Guide

Members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Ahanta West constituency of the Western Region have vowed to ensure the defeat of President John Mahama in the area during next year’s election, if the re-instatement of a sacked DCE is not revoked.

President Mahama recently dismissed the District Chief Executive for Ahanta West, Joseph Dofoyena.

However, the president had to succumb to pressure from the assembly members who called on him to re-nominate Dofoyena.

Meanwhile, the news of the re-nomination had not gone down well with some NDC supporters in the area who are also calling on the president to rather consider one John Mohammad Arthur for the post.

The party activists explained that the re-nomination of Dofoyena would retard the development of the area since the DCE and the MP for the area, Kwame Aboagye, were at loggerheads with each other.

They also indicated that the former once remarked that he could not work with the current constituency executives of the party.

“Some time ago, the former DCE instructed some of his allies to lock the NDC constituency office and prevented the handing over ceremony from the old to the new executives,” one of the irate party members recounted.

“Under the watch of Dofoyena, most premix committees never rendered accounts to their respective communities as stipulated in the premix by-laws,” he alleged.

Addressing a press conference at the party’s office at Agona Nkwanta, Felix Mensah, branch secretary in Abura, alleged that the re-nominated DCE had been a thorn in the fresh of the party in the constituency.

He noted that Dofoyena’s tenure recorded the lowest agricultural produce, even though the DCE claims to be an agriculturalist.

Mr Felix Mensah indicated that during his almost four years in office as DCE, Dofoyena could not ensure the establishment of certain projects like free port and an oil and gas refinery at Pumpuni, which the government promised to set up in the area.

The branch secretary alleged that the rate at which the District Assembly Common Fund and internally generated funds were being dissipated was alarming.

Source: Daily Guide