Communication Minister, Dr. Edward Omane Boamah
Last Monday, May 16, 2016, Atinkaonline did a story under the caption, ‘Omane Boamah killing NDC’s election strategy – Communicators”.
In the publication, we reported that Communication Minister, Dr. Edward Omane Boamah was not sharing vital information with government and party communicators, making their work very difficult.
We attributed our source to a member of the NDC’s Communications team, Eric Ametor-Quarmyne, who was making a submission on Atinka FM AM Drive.
However, Ametor- Quarmyne has clarified that, he was referring to other ministries and some state institutions. He did not specifically mention the name of the Communication Minister, Dr. Omane Boamah.
Based on the above facts, Atinkaonline wishes to offer an unqualified apology to Dr. Omane Boamah for the harm and embarrassment caused him. We promise that such a grave mistake will not be repeated in view of our high ethical and professional standards.