
Atta Mills Doubles Support In Central Region.

Wed, 17 Dec 2008 Source: Office Of Professor Mills

If Akufo-Addo and his NPP deceived themselves into thinking that their begging gimmick in the Central Region will hoodwink the people into moving away from the CHANGE & BETTER GHANA path, they are in for a more miserable outing in the second round.

Hitting his home region, on Tuesday, December 16, 2008, there is no gainsaying the fact that the Central Region is not falling one bit for the “hanya” tactics of desperate Akufo-Addo and his deflated New Patriotic Party.

NDC Leader and Presidential Candidate, Professor Atta Mills, has been assured beyond all doubt by his people that come December 28th, their show of support will be more solid than what happened on December 7th.

Everywhere Professor Mills has visited, the people have poured out in their numbers to welcome their “President”.

It has been carnival after carnival everywhere the President-in-waiting has visited.

Be it, Winneba, Agona Swedru, Agona Nsaba, Bawjwiase, Kasoa, Dawurampong, Agona Dwakua, Mankesim, Yamoransa, Moree, the support has more than doubled from the last time Professor Mills visited.

Indeed, knowing the political landscape in the past eight years, if a person were blindfolded and dropped in the Central Region, the person could easily mistake it for the Volta Region or the three Northern Regions, which are traditional strongholds of the NDC, considering the massive outpouring of support for a son of the land.

Professor Mills on his part has been thanking the people of his home region for believing in the NDC’s Better Ghana agenda, and voting massively for CHANGE in the first round.

“I thank you the chiefs, opinion leaders, and the people of the Central Region for placing your hope in the Better Ghana agenda” Professor Mills has been saying.

“After all that you have done for the NDC, my solemn pledge to you is that, Atta Mills and the NDC will never let you regret for voting for CHANGE. The change that is coming, is not change for the sake of change; It is a change that will give us the opportunity to once again start making our nation Great and Strong” is one solid thread that has been running through the message of Professor Mills.

“There were some people who thought that your votes can be taken for granted but you have proven to them that you vote for a purpose and when your support is abused, you know when to take a decision that will inure to your benefit”

Professor Mills has been asking the people of the Central Region not to take their present strong showing for granted and that the first round of the change process has been completed but it is the second round that is even more important.

“The desire for change has been made manifest in Parliament where the NDC has more seats than any other party and we have to complete the change process for the NDC to have the Presidency as well so that the NDC will be able to execute our Better Ghana programme” was how Professor Mills put it.

“It is important that you come out in your numbers on December 28th to send a strong message to the NPP that your votes cannot be taken for granted” Professor Mills added.

The people of the Central Region have also made it clear to Professor Mills that whatever money that the NPP will bring, will be chopped “fuka fuka”.

According to the people, the NPP cannot buy their conscience and that the more money the NPP brings to the region, the more votes it will lose.

With the wind of change blowing strongly in the Central Region and with lots of NPP, CPP, PNC, and other neutrals joining the change bandwagon, it speaks for itself that the NPP will bleed more than it is currently bleeding in the Central Region.

The NDC Leader and President-in-waiting, will on Friday, move from the Central Region to the Western Region.

Source: Office Of Professor Mills