
Bawku West District Celebrates Constitution Week

Tue, 10 May 2005 Source: GNA

Zebilla (U/E), May 10, GNA-The District Chief Executive for Bawku West, Mr. Moses Appiah Abaare has stressed the need for intensified civic education to enable the citizenry to effectively support government's developmental efforts.

He deplored the situation where citizens only demand their share of the national cake without a corresponding emphasis on their obligation to work towards achieving national development objectives. Mr. Abaare said these at the fifth District Constitution Week celebration of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), which was organised under the theme: "Poverty Reduction through Citizens' participation in Local Governance" at Zebilla in the Upper East Region. Mr. Abaare said no government could function effectively without taxes and appealed to Ghanaians to pay their taxes regularly to enable the authorities to undertake development projects to improve their welfare.

The DCE said government had no intention to overburden the citizens with unnecessary taxes but the ongoing projects in various sectors of the economy required that everyone honoured his or her tax obligation. The District Director of the Commission for Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), Mr. Edmond Alagpulinsa called on Ghanaians to avoid ethnic sentiments and unite to consolidate the country's democracy.

He urged the people to participate in local governance to enable them mobilise resources and initiate programmes to fight poverty. Mr. Alagpulinsa expressed regret over the frequent politicisation of issues of national interest, and said this had polarized the society and caused undue delays in the implementation of government policies. He called on the people to rekindle their communal spirit to enable them to support government in implementing policies.

The Bawku West District Director of the NCCE, Mr. Dominic Akugri said the high turnout in the 2004 general election was an indication that people's participation in the democratic process was gaining root. He said the Commission would intensify its civic education to enable the people to acquire knowledge for effective participation in governance and to contribute poverty reduction programmes and the fight against corruption. 10 May 05

Source: GNA