
CODEO statement on the on-going Akatsi South by-election

Tue, 5 Feb 2013 Source: CODEO

The Coalition of Domestic Election Observers (CODEO) is observing the on-going by-election in the Akatsi South Constituency of the Volta Region. CODEO has fifteen (15) observers undertaking random roaming observation of polling stations in the constituency.

Preliminary observation reports from CODEO observers indicate that generally, voting is taking place smoothly. No incident of violence, harassment or intimidation has been reported by the observers so far. Similarly, no major incident, including failure or breakdown of verification devices has been reported by the observers.

CODEO observers report of the presence of agents of the various parties/candidates taking part in the elections; those from the National Democratic Congress (NDC), the Progressive Peoples’ Party (PPP), the New Vision Party (NVP) and the Independent Candidate.

CODEO observers report that turn-out at many Polling Stations visited as at midday has been low as voters have not turned up to cast their votes. As at 1:30pm for instance, only about 300 voters out of a total of 885 registered voters at the ARS Church Shell Block “A” Polling Station had cast their ballots.

CODEO has, however observed an instance where voters were being persuaded to vote for a particular candidate. At the Torve community, the CODEO observer noted that a gong-gong beater was going round urging people to go out and vote for one of the contesting candidates.

CODEO will issue another statement after voting, counting and declaration of results.


Mr. John Larvie

National Coordinator


Source: CODEO