
Cardinal Turkson leaves for Rome

Mon, 4 Apr 2005 Source: GNA

Accra, April 04, GNA - Peter Cardinal Appiah Turkson, the Archbishop of Cape Coast, left Accra for on Sunday for Rome to participate in the funeral of Pope John Paul II and join the College of Cardinals to elect a new pope.

Speaking to journalists before departure at the Kotoka International Airport, Cardinal Turkson asked for the prayer of the nation for God's guidance in the choice of a new Pope.

He paid tribute to the late Pope for his contribution to the spiritual and the material welfare of mankind as well as the growth and recognition of the African Diocese of the Catholic Church.

Cardinal Turkson mentioned in particular the increase in Ghana's dioceses from 10 to 18 as well as his elevation to a cardinal. Asked whether there was a chance of an African being chosen as a pope, Cardinal Turkson answered in the affirmative. " In this selection there is no room for politicking since we will be confined, so there would be no communication with the outside world and we will depend on the Holy Spirit for guidance".

Cardinal Turkson was seen off at the airport by Archbishop George Kochery, Apostolic Nuncio in Ghana and Monsignor Osei Agyemang, Secretary General of the Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference.

Source: GNA