
Change in Ghana

Mon, 1 Dec 2008 Source: --

The time and the call for the much needed change has come. The United States did it last month when they indicated that "after 8 years of Republican rule they deserved a fresh set of eyes from a new Administration". This gave birth to the Obama presidency under former President Bill Clinton's, Jimmy Carter's and John F Kennedy Democratic party. How do we get change in Ghana on Sunday December 7th 2008 ? There are five steps outlined below ...

1. We reiterate the call from the leader of the Change party, Professor John Atta Mills, when he keeps on saying "do not resort to violence, but use the ballot box to vet your frustrations".

2. We humbly plead that you all go to the polls as early as possible on December 7th. Please do not go alone. Take at least one friend along with you and ask them to cast their ballot for Atta Mills, because the professor has the change message and the humble leadership that Ghana yearns. This will double our numbers, take a third person and it triples it etc ...

3. Educate your friends and family about Professor Mills to educate their friends and family.

4. On election day call as many friends and family and remind them that every vote counts. If you prefer to send a text message please do so, but remember to ask them to vote for Atta Mills, the bible says ask and you shall be given.

5. If you live overseas and cannot make it to the polls, please do not let this be an excuse to refrain from helping the country we all so desperately love. You can still call friends and family, you can still text friends and family and more importantly you can pray that God sends the right leader to the castle Osu.

We believe that leader is professor John Atta Mills. So why is everyone in Ghana calling for change ? Ghana hired the NPP in the year 2000 and we believe we need a fresh set of eyes at the seat of government after the NPP has ruled Ghana for 8 years. We need Change partly due to the headlines below that have rocked this nation, especially within the last four years ...

i. Although we cannot proof the allegations that NPP ministers have been dealing in drugs up to Nana Akuffo Addo, we do know for a fact that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) ex-Member of Parliament (MP) for Nkoranza North was busted on December 11, 2005 in the US over allegations of trafficking heroine. Ladies and gentlemen it is simple, show me your friends and I will show you your character.

ii. A former mistress of Road Transport Minister, a married man, Dr. Richard Anane, according to the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) fathered a child with a United States native. The minister gave child support up to the tune of $90,000 a month or year (not sure of the interval), but our sources reveal that this money came from the Ghanaian tax payer's money and loans from other governments. This case is a matter of corruption, conflict of interest and abuse of office by the minister. What is more troubling is that after he resigned, the NPP decided to reappoint Anane as a minister so he could continue to extort from the Ghanaian tax payer, like they all do.

iii. In the history of Ghana, no president has traveled as much as the outgoing president John Kuffour. Our investigations reveal that the all-inclusive cost of moving the outgoing President Kuffour out of his country, including Ministers, speech-writers, spokespersons, security, media, businessmen, ‘personal entertainers’ and hangers-on, is at the conservative figure of US$200,000.00 and growing each day, the mathematics works out to US$25.4 million, which represents what President Kufuor’s overseas trips alone have cost Ghana so far.

iv. It has been no secret that the NPP Administration increased the size of government two fold, we investigated to find out how this was done. Results of the investigation revealed that too many Ministers of State, Special Assistants to the Ministers of State; Deputy Ministers, Assistants to the Deputy Ministers; Special Assistants, Assistants to the Special Assistants; Advisors, Special Assistants to the Advisors; Spokespersons to various Ministries etc. What has this meant for our motherland Ghana? Inadequate resources are being used to pay for hefty salaries, allowances and benefits to officials, family members and functionaries of the government.

v. The presidential palace that cost us over 36.9 million dollars while our brothers in the North are struggling to get access to clean drinking water ? Hotel Kuffour ? We need not say anymore ...

We are confident that with your help, professor Mills will be elected. We are confident that with your help, there will be a new government in Ghana steering a new and beautiful day. God bless you all and God bless our motherland Ghana, let's get out the vote .....

...............................................................................Best Regards,The Management TeamGhanaians for Mills (GFM) The views expressed by the GFM do not represent the official Mills campaign. GFM operates on the basis of getting Ghana back on the right track. The information contained in this email message is intended only for use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify us by email and destroy the original message, thank you very much !!!

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