
Chiefs cornerstone of a Kyeremanten administration

Fri, 9 Nov 2007 Source: GNA

Tolon (N/R), Nov. 9, GNA - Mr Alan Kyerematen, a presidential aspirant of the ruling Patriotic Party (NPP) has pledged to make chiefs the cornerstone of his administration if he is elected President. He said the relative peace and stability in the country was not due to the efforts of politicians alone but credit must also go the chiefs and religious leaders.

Mr Kyerematen made the pledge when he paid separate courtesy calls on the Regent of Tolon, Tolonlana, Major Abubakari Sulemana (Rtd) and the Nyimbu-naa, Yakubu Andani on Thursday during his campaign tour of the Northern Region.

He paid homage to the chiefs to seek their guidance and spiritual blessing in his bid to become the presidential candidate of the NPP and eventually the President of Ghana.

Mr Kyerematen said chiefs were not supposed to be involved in active politics but "as leaders of your communities, you have a moral responsibility to help determine who becomes the nation's leader".

He said if elected President, he would seek the wisdom, advice and good counsel of chiefs to enable him to rule justly and fairly. Mr. Kyerematen said he would ensure that Tolon get its fair share of development and pledged to provide jobs for the youth in the area if elected President.

Regent Sulemana said he and his people were behind Mr. Kyerematen in his ambition to become the President of Ghana and assured him of his moral and spiritual support.

Counselling Mr Kyerematen, the Regent said: "We can only pray and talk to our children, we don't give power, it is only God who gives power".

He bemoaned the attitude of politicians, some of whom he said: "Would go to all lengths to give promises to the people and immediately they get power, they forget about them".

"This does not augur well for the practice of democracy, as the people tend to lose confidence in politicians," he added.

Source: GNA