
Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom raises questions on the upcoming by - elections

Papa Nduom ElectionDr Papa Kwesi Nduom

Mon, 22 Jun 2015 Source: Reagan Odei Ofusu Osarfo

Dr.Papa Kwesi Nduom has raised pertinent questions ahead of the coming by -election in the Talensi District of the Upper East Region and District Assembly elections slated for July 07 and September 1, 2015 respectively.

He raised these questions on his show ‘In Ghana Great and Strong’ (GG&S) last Saturday night.

The host before addressing the day’s topic ‘Are we in the 21st Century yet?’ raised many questions on current government related matters arising.

The subject came about when Dr. Nduom noted to his viewers and listeners the instances that happened in the Wulensi constituency in 2012 where by-election was politicized in the country.

A period where a disgraceful alliance came together of NDC,NPP,CPP and PNC to prevent the by-election from taking place.

According to him politicians in Ghana take by-election and elections more seriously than the task of governing the nation, than the task of offering solution even when they are in opposition.

Dr. Nduom asked some pertinent questions on some current matters:

1. On the by-election announced by the Electoral Commission to be held on Tuesday, July 7th 2015 in Talensi, he asked if it will be politics as usual, like what happened in 2012 in Wulensi where the full force of government including the treasury was on display – even including National Security to start some infrastructure projects – roads, street lights, etc.

Do the people have to wait for their MP to die? Do the people have to wait for a by-election?

Do we have to wait for an election for an administration to raise and hurriedly come, and do roads, put lights there, bring water and so on? Should that be the case?

2. On the Electoral Commission’s announcement that the District Assembly elections will take place on September 1, 2015, he asked if we will see political parties, ministers of state mounting platforms and publicly supporting candidates aligned to their political parties?

He wanted to know if political parties and government will pay only lip service to the non-partisan nature of Assembly Elections as prescribed by the 1992 Constitution.

He wondered if our tax money will be used to support some candidates.

Dr. Nduom on the same platform a few months ago accused some Ministers of State of introducing some candidates and associating them with the ruling NDC party.

He had also encouraged viewers to call in and name and shame any politician or government official who plays the partisan game with the Assembly elections.

3.On the migration from analogue to digital television, he recalled that the Ministry of Communications had previously announced that it did not have the money to carry out the digital migration project as a public sector initiative.

He confirmed that he was not accusing anyone of wrongdoing or questioning the right of the Ministry to proceed with the project but would want to know the source of financial funds to execute the project.

The main topic for discussion “Is Ghana in the 21st Century Yet?” produced some interesting insights and viewer comments.

Source: Reagan Odei Ofusu Osarfo