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EC organizes press briefing on election reporting

Thu, 24 Aug 2006 Source: GNA

Bolgatanga, Aug. 24, GNA - Journalists have been called upon to study the legal framework of voting and the voting process before reporting.

Mr Charles Addy-Osei, Director in charge of Training at the Electoral Commission (EC), made the call at a press briefing to throw more light on qualities of election reporting in Bolgatanga in the Upper East Region.

He cautioned media practitioners to make sure they obtained correct figures and facts before reporting in order to come out with balanced reports.

Mr Addy-Osei stressed that without accurate figures and facts, media reports could create problems among contestants. He explained that the press briefing was to equip media practitioners to come out with quality reporting in the forthcoming District Level Elections without any prejudice.

Mr Addy-Osei said mounting of platforms for the District Level and Unit Committees Elections were to empower the candidates to explain their programmes and policies to the electorates to enable them make informed decisions on the better candidates to choose. He said the elections were not like the Parliamentary and Presidential elections, where politicians campaign vigorously to win votes therefore, EC had already embarked upon various sensitization programmes to educate the citizenry.

Mr Addy-Osei asked the electorates to encourage others to participate actively in the elections and leave the polling stations after casting their votes.

He advised the electorates against multiple voting, impersonation, undue influence and bribery, saying election offences were punishable and offenders were liable on conviction to a fine, imprisonment or both. Mr Adam Mahama Iddrisu, Upper East Regional Director of EC, announced that platforms had already been mounted in some areas in the region.

He said platform monitors had been trained to take charge of the responsibility and make sure level playing fields were provided for the candidates to market themselves to the electorates.

Source: GNA