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Ghana should use independence anniversary to start national renaissance- Think tank

Sun, 11 Mar 2012 Source: GNA

The Council for Afrika International and Afrika Liberation Society, two UK-based think tanks, have called on Ghanaian political authorities to use the 55th independence anniversary that fell on March 6, to launch a national renaissance.

A statement issued by Dr Koku Adomdza, President of the two bodies and copied to the Ghana News Agency in Accra said: “ It is imperative for Ghana’s self-ruling elite, regardless of (their)political persuasion, to transform the largely symbolic event into a substantively meaningful new beginning by launching the mindset revolution that is long overdue in Ghana and the entire African Continent.”

He said unless the 21st Century African Revolution is launched through an uncompromising mindset renaissance with deliberate haste, neo-colonisation is set to have similar duration as its predecessor - colonialism - in Ghana and throughout the African Continent.

Dr Adomdza noted that given the entrenched nature of colonialism, de-colonisation is an eclectic project and process that encapsulates its central pillars of mindset, political, economic, social, cultural, scientific and industrial.

“The pertinent question that needs to be answered by leadership is what substantive independent hallmarks exactly require celebration, after so many decades of neo-colonialist African self-rule under which Africa’s human and natural resources work predominantly for foreign finance capital in fulfilling imperialist interests?”

He said African leadership has failed to become independent, industrialise and advance scientifically.

He said imperialism continues to tighten its grips on Ghana and Africa’s strategic national and natural resources through cunningly-crafted dependency-entrenching neo-colonialist underdevelopment models.

“From Athens to Wall Street, Global North’s democracy and economics are inexorably entangled in deepening crises and offers practical and scientific lessons for the expediting of total Ghanaian and African de-colonisation…

“The independence declaration of Ghana must be linked to the total delinking of all imperialist tentacles and the conclusive demise of neo-colonialism where all institutions of State work primarily for the realisation of the fundamental human and citizenship rights of majority indigenous Africans.”

Dr Adomdza said the move should reverse the bending over backwards of the continent towards the highly exploitative, condescending, slavish foreign finance capital in various forms that are rapidly eclipsing Ghana and Africa against the interests of the majority of Africans, who are the primary investors and stakeholders in their own nations.

He said the 21st Century response to neo-colonisation must be sophisticated beyond imperialist manipulation, which must begin from a revolutionary independent mentality.

“This is the challenge for contemporary and future Ghanaian and African leaders,” he said.

Source: GNA