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I insist, CP deal was fraudulent - Asiamah tells Betty

Isaac Asiamah Npp Mp

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 Source: radioxyzonline

The Member of Parliament for Atwima Mponuah, Isaac Asiamah who has been accused of unfair comments against former Attorney General Betty Mould-Iddrisu has described accusations against him are as misplaced.

Speaking to XYZ News, Hon. Asiamah maintained that the CP transaction which has led to the controversial judgment debt of 94 million euros was fraudulent.

Mr. Asiamah was directly accused by Betty Mould-Iddrisu when she appeared before the Public Accounts Committee last Thursday of making criminal insinuated comments about her.

But according to Hon. Asiamah, the former Education Minister was either uninformed or was misled about his comments.

“Maybe she was uninformed or was misled. For me it was a serious criminal offence to evade tax and no country will allow such a thing to happen.

“I want to point it out to Madam Betty Mould Iddrisu that whether she likes it or not I will continue to use the word fraudulent because that transaction with CP was a fraudulent one I will never change that word” He said.

Meanwhile, another member of the Public Accounts Committee Alfred Abayateye has conceded that the committee needs to prove to Ghanaians that it isn’t partisan in its work.

This follows series of condemnation from some civil society groups that the committee can no longer probe the issues relating to the Judgment debt because it has become partisan.

According to Mr. Abayateye the committee will have to review its procedures in order to prove that it is not partisan.**

Source: radioxyzonline