
“I won't accept gov’t appointment”

Abodakpi NDC Race

Wed, 8 Oct 2014 Source: The Herald

Dan Abodakpi, an aspiring Chairman of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC), has said that he would not accept appointment by the President to any public position when voted into office.

“I will not take up any post to be chairman or member of any Board, or head any public institution,” he said.

That, he said, was important because the acceptance of an appointment by the President, compromises the integrity of the Office of the party chairman.

Interacting with delegates from a number of Constituencies in Accra, Mr. Abodakpi, a former Minister of Trade and Industry, also said that there was the need for the occupant of the office of party chairman to have adequate time to be focused and work for the progress of the party.

The incumbent party chairman and his two deputies, who are all vying for the chairmanship, have positions on boards, while one deputy heads the National Disaster Management Organisation.

“A party chairman is supposed to be working to advance the party, and not be chasing after appointments on boards, and contracts,” he said.

Explaining how such appointments, could affect the integrity of the Chairman’s office, Mr. Abodakpi, a former Ambassador to Malaysia, indicated that the Chairman of party is required to hold the government in check to ensure that its policies and actions were in tune with the manifesto of the party.

In addition, he said the Chairman and the General Secretary are sometimes required to sit in Cabinet to be part of deliberations that border on policies borne out of the party’s manifesto. Also, the chairman has the power to direct Ministers and other government appointees, who are members of the party, to undertake party tasks in their constituencies.

“In all these, the party chairman needs to command a lot respect and integrity among the President, Ministers and other appointees. But how can you be respected and be taken serious when your hand is in their mouth,” he said.

In addition, he said by being a board chairman, the party chairman would have to work under a sector Minister under which the institution falls, asking whether such a Minister would respect the party chairman.

“Will that Minister, who I may have to be chasing for favours in the interest of the board I head, respect and obey me when I direct him to attend branch or constituency meeting.

“How can the President respect and consult you on appointments, when he knows that you are looking for favours yourself?” he asked

He noted that the office of party chairman is a very serious position whose integrity should be protected and promoted.

“I pledge to protect the integrity of that office and would not take actions that can compromise it at the detriment of the party’s progress,” he said.

He promises to improve the fortunes of the party when voted into office, saying his vision to reconnect the party to its mass base, and rejuvenate it to retain power.

According to Mr. Abodakpi, the party has lost touch with the grassroots and because of drift ideology of allowing the mass base to own the party, and attributed it weakness in the party’s leadership.

“We have to save the party from further losing touch with the mass of cadres and grassroots members who have sacrificed for it over the years,” he said.

He said he has the ability change the trend and to lead the progress of the party, and called for the support of the delegates.

Source: The Herald