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Kweku Baako Exposes NPP Chairman?s Big Lie

Wed, 18 Aug 2004 Source: Crusading Guide

Diabolical they have tagged him. But those who really know the man will testify that he is no harbinger of wicked intentions. He only tells it like it is, damn the consequences.

That is the typical Kweku Kakraba Baako for you. No matter what the occasion is, no matter who you are, Kweku will surely let you know his mind. That is, his candid opinion, about the issue on the agenda.

Thus when questioned why his newspaper attributed to Mr Harouna Esseku, the NPP national Chairman, certain remarks made about ex-President J.J. Rawlings, Kweku Kakraba Baako was quick to do what he does best ? tell the truth and go on to surprise his listeners with factual evidence.

In the process of exposing those who would have made the mistake of taking him for granted. This time around, his Crusading Guide had gone to town with an interview the NPP Chairman, Mr Harouna Esseku had granted Mr Sedi Bansah, a reporter of the Crusading Guide, on the attention being given to ex-President Rawlings.

Mr Harouna Esseku was reported in an earlier issue to have indicated categorically that it is only the obituary of Mr. J.J. Rawlings that will draw his attention to the ex-President. Mr Esseku was reported to ask that, Mr Rawlings is ignored as ?he (Rawlings) is a spent force who by his utterances and conduct was making himself irrelevant to Ghana?s current political activities.?

On Thursday, that same paper came out with the interview, the NPP Chairman turned tail, denying and dissociating himself from the publication. Mr Baako, who many view as being in bed with the NPP, thus making them believe he would condemn his reporter could not understand the NPP Chairman?s motive thus he decided to do what he knows best.

After posing a lot of question to Mr Esseku, the Publisher later revealed that his outfit has the NPP Chairman on tape. Queried Mr Baako: ?? what was the author of the story, Sedi Bansah doing in the company of Mr Esseku at the NPP Headquarters? conference room, with his tape recorder not concealed on him but placed right in front of good-sighted Esseku? Is Sedi Bansah Esseku?s friend, classmate, party member, son, brother or nephew, etc?? Mr Baako went on to ask ??has he forgotten he told the reporter not to publish a foul language he uttered, but find a way of polishing it??

Meanwhile, when newsmen checked, the NPP Chairman was the first signatory to the Political Parties Code of Conduct which among other resolutions indicates that the signatories are going to ensure that the followers and sympathizers are not going to put forward the sort of language and behaviour the NPP Chairman had displayed.

Source: Crusading Guide