
MEMHREP Congratulates President-elect, Nana Akufo-Addo

Wed, 4 Jan 2017 Source: MEMHREP Communications Team

For those of us in Mensah Mental Rehabilitation Project (MEMHREP) we are extremely

thrilled by your victory in the December 2016 general elections.

Accept our heartiest congratulations on your magnificent success. Per your conviction

not to discriminate against any single Ghanaian, we pray that your government would

give priority attention to mental health issues in the country.

Currently, there is a steadily rise in the number of people thrown on the streets as

a result of mental illness; and MEMHREP as an NGO has been providing care and support

for these mentally-challenged people.

Whilst wishing you the best of luck, MEMHREP is of the view that the ability of Ghana

to attract more investors to the country will greatly depend on how your government

supports NGOs to rid off our cities of the mentally-challenged persons.

Once again, congratulations and we look forward to working with you.

Long Live Ghana!

Long Live H.E. Nana Akufo-Addo!!

Long Live MEMHREP !!!

MEMHREP Communications Team


Source: MEMHREP Communications Team