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MJA condemns violence in Eastern region NDC

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Sat, 1 Aug 2015 Source:

Pressure group Movement for Joint Action (MJA) has condemned recent scuffle that ensued at the residence of the Eastern Regional Minister between supporters of the NDC and the DCE for Atiwa during a meeting.

Reports say some irate supporters assaulted Hon. Emmanuel Atta Twum following a misunderstanding over some party funds a few weeks ago.

The supporters who were obviously irked by Mr Atta Twum’s explanations on how the said funds were spent reportedly assaulted him until he fell unconscious.

Mr Atta Twum was rushed to the Koforidua Government Hospital, before he could be resuscitated.

However, the group in a press statement signed by its leader, Pharm Silas Agyekum, condemned the altercation, adding that such developments could hinder the progress of Ghana’s nascent democracy.

"We have observed with empirical evidence that developmental agenda for the good people in the region, in whom the sovereignty of the state resides and in whose name and for whose welfare the powers of the government are expected to be exercised, is no more the priority of both the NDC regional executives and government appointees.

"It is disheartening to note that on Thursday 23rd July 2015, there was a free for all physical scaffolds at the Residency and in the presence of the Regional Minister and his deputy, in which the Kwahu South District Chief Executive threatened to shoot and kill the NDC Executives from Atiwa constituencies, who had earlier on caused their District Chief Executive to collapse; after they accused him of failing to share monies meant for development in the district as it has been the case in most of the districts in the region," the statement lamented.

The MJA added: “Not too long ago, similar incident happened in the Afram Plains South Constituency where the Constituency Executives threatened to remove the DCE illegitimately, which later, it was reported monies meant for school feeding program in the district was spent on the Constituency Executives to settle the existing loggerheads". The group said

"This came to light when the Constituency organizer was refused request for part of school feeding monies and subsequently suspended from the party".

"The story is not different in the Nsawam Adoagiri as there was fears battle at the Constituency meeting in which the Constituency Woman Organizer was beaten by the Constituency Communication Director leading to the exit of the DCE in the Area".

Against that backdrop, the group called on the leadership of the party not to hesitate to discipline party followers who misconduct themselves.
