
MP Snubs President Mills.

Thu, 8 Dec 2011 Source: --

Information from the office of the President indicates clearly that, the MP for Yilo krobo Hon. Raymond A. Tawiah has snubbed the President’s advice to not contest the yilo krobo seat in the 2012.

He is among the number of NDC legislators that the president has instructed not to contest due to reports concerning their performance in parliament and as far as development is concern in their various constituencies.

According to our source at the seat of president the reporter spoke to, Hon. Raymond A. Tawiah is one of the worse performing MP’s in Parliament, and has failed to unite the members of the party in Yilo krobo.

Our source also indicated that the President is not happy about the fact that Hon. Raymond Tawiah has refused to utilize his share of the common fund for the purpose it is meant for. Also, it can be stated categorically clear that last year, the people of Yilo Krobo were presented with various items such as sewing machines, motor Cycles, corn milling machines, insecticides, harvesters and tractors by the Government of India through Hon. Raymond A. Tawiah.

But information gathered by the NDC Party’s information team and the recent visit by the Vice president to Somanya during their festival indicated that Hon. Raymond A. Tawiah is rather using the items as a personal gift from him to bribe delegates to vote for him during the upcoming NDC parliamentary primaries.

It can be said that the President J.E.A Mills is leaving no stone unturned to making sure that the NDC wins overwhelmingly in its strong holds, and the only means to achieve his aim is by instructing the unpopular MP’s in those areas to not contest their seats. Earlier reports from somanya to the castle pointed that, NDC for the first time since 1992 will lose the seat to the NPP if Hon. Raymond A. Tawiah wins the upcoming primaries.

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