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Minister urges Sissala people to vote for their playmate

John Dramani Mahama Gh Vice

Wed, 17 Oct 2012 Source: GNA

Alhaji Amidu Sulemana, Upper West Regional Minister, has called on voters in the Sissala West and East constituencies to vote massively for President John Dramani Mahama in the December elections to deepen the long standing relationship between them and the President.

Traditionally, there is a playmate relationship between the Sissalas and the Gonja ethnic group of the Northern Region, from which President Mahama hails. Alhaji Sulemana made the call when he launched his campaign for the Sissala West Constituency Parliamentary seat at Gwollu in the Sissala West District of the Upper West Region.

The regional minister stated that a vote for him would also complete the wish of President Mahama since the latter needed all his Parliamentary candidates to support him run an effective and vibrant government to continue delivering the ;Better Ghana Agenda'.

Alhaji Sulemana urged all his supporters to go about their campaign peacefully devoid of any violence to enhance peaceful and successful elections.

Dr. Benjamin Kunbuor, Attorney General and Minister of Justice, appealed to the constituents to desist from the practice of voting 'skirt and blouse' which they did in the 2004 and 2008 elections, saying that the practice deprived the district of certain developmental needs.

Dr. Kumbuor who is also the NDC Parliamentary candidate for Nandom Constituency, said there were many things the NDC could point to in the area of education, health, agriculture and road infrastructure.

He advised supporters of the party to conduct their campaign based on its performance in government and avoid personality attacks.

Mr. Alban Bagbin, Minister of Health, said Alhaji Sulemana had for a long a time offered himself to serve his people, adding that the experience the Regional Minister had gathered put him in a better position to represent his constituents well in parliament than any other candidate.

Mr. Bagbin who is also the Member of Parliament (MP) for Nadowli West stated that President Mahama would win the 2012 elections and that it was better for them to have an MP whose Presidential candidate was in power than a "hanging MP".

Mr. Moses Dramani Luri, Sissala West District Chief Executive (DCE) said the performance of the NDC in the district had overshadowed that of the NPP in all areas.

He said since the NDC assumed office in 2009, a total of 108 development projects had been undertaken in the district as against a total of 44 projects in the eight years of the NPP administration.

On rural electrification, the DCE said for eight years the NPP was only able to connect electricity to seven communities, whereas the NDC within its first four years was already completing work on the connection of 40 communities to the national electricity grid.

Mr. Luri added that under the NPP only three communities benefited from the School Feeding Programme in the district as against 44 communities under the NDC's first term in office.

Source: GNA