
NADMO Co-ordinator wins Dome-Abuasu assembly seat

Mon, 2 Oct 2006 Source: GNA

Offinso-Ashanti, Oct.02, GNA 96 Mr Pambour Karikari Prempeh, incumbent assembly member for Dome-Abuasu in Offinso polled 605 votes out of the 1,176 votes cast to retain his seat in the District Level Elections held nation-wide on September 26.

Mr Prempeh who is the Offinso District Co-ordinator of National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO), was followed by Mr Jawad Abdul, a teacher with 325 votes.

Mr Abdul Karim Sadique, a clerk at Offinso Saint Patrick's Hospital had 219 votes while Mr Yaw Bonsu Bruce, a teacher, obtained 27 votes with six rejected ballot papers.

The votes cast represented about 48 per cent of eligible voters of 2,516 registered in the electoral area.

Briefing the Ghana News Agency at Offinso after the elections, Mr Prempeh expressed concern about the low turn out at the elections and attributed it to inadequate public education by the Electoral Commission (EC).

He said he would have won more than 70 per cent of the votes if enough publicity had been given to the elections. Mr Prempeh said he offered dedicated and selfless leadership to the residents which he noted had culminated in the provision of many social and economic programmes in the area since his eight-year tenure as assembly member.

He pledged to continue his good works to improve the living standards of the people and advised the unit committee to plan and initiate self-help programmes to enable the district assembly support them financially and materially.

Mr Prempeh expressed appreciation to the electorate for the confidence reposed in him and promised to offer quality leadership to sustain the socio-economic development of the area. 02 Oct. 06

Source: GNA