The revolution was led by young JJ Rawlings who later founded the NDC
The Volta Regional Leadership of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has entreated all its members within and outside the Region to commemorate with pride the events that birthed the 31st December Revolution because “we have thus far achieved so much as a mass political party”.
The 31st December Revolution is an annual event which reminds the nation about happenings that ushered Ghana into a path of socio-economic and political transformation.
It reminds particularly the NDC members of the enormous sacrifices made then, by the Cadres led by the Former President Jerry John Rawlings in restoring nationalism and patriotism among Ghanaians.
The pre-revolutionary period w as defined by the collapse of the economy and key state institutions. That era was allegedly fraught with high inflation and escalating commodity prices in the Region and the Country at large. It was a period where the means of transport were virtually unavailable.
Long queues were visibly common in communities in desperate search for kerosene for lamps and lanterns and as domestic fuel for the kitchens.
A statement signed by Mawutor Agbavitor the Volta Regional Chairman, calling on all to celebrate the occasion said, “under the PNDC, Ghana chalked up economic successes.
Accordingly to him “it is worthy of note that Ghana’s economy, which recorded -2% before the Revolution, saw a marginal transformation to 8% to GDP at a time when the first NDC Administration (NDC 1) was at the helm of affairs. The second NDC Regime (NDC 2) grew the economy to an appreciable 14.4%, which was the highest in the world at the time”.