The IDU fosters the common philosophy of its Member Parties
The International Democratic Union (IDU) holds its Executive Meeting/Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs in Accra from 19th to 21st June 2017. It is being hosted by the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP). This is the first time an Executive Meeting is being held in Africa, south of the Sahara.
What is IDU?
The International Democratic Union (IDU) is a working association of over 80 Conservatives, Democrats and like-minded political parties of the centre and centre right.
Formed in 1983, the IDU provides a forum in which parties holding similar beliefs can come together and exchange views on matters of policy and organisational interest, so that they can learn from each other, act together, establish contacts and speak with one strong voice to promote democracy and centre-right policies around the globe.
Founding Members of the IDU included Britain’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, then US Vice-President George Bush Sr, Paris Mayor and later President of France Jacques Chirac, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and many others.
Our Mission
The International Democrat Union (IDU) consists of Member Parties of the Asia Pacific Democrat Union (APDU); the Caribbean Democrat Union (CDU); the Democrat Union of Africa; the European Democrat Union (EDU); the European People’s Party (EPP); the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists (AECR); and the Union of Latin American Parties (UPLA), which have adhered to the IDU Declaration of Principles.
The IDU fosters the common philosophy of its Member Parties, establish permanent relations at a bilateral and multilateral level, encourage mutual support and to these end will provide a forum for the exchange of views and information on matters of interest to all or a considerable number of its Member Parties.
Countries can only develop their full potential if they develop recognising the ideals of liberal democracy, freedom of the individual, and the need for economic growth to be based on individual initiative and free, competitive enterprise economies. The IDU has a clear role in a modern world, where today’s idea in one country is tomorrow’s policy in another.
Through the IDU, member Parties can exchange policy ideas, assist each other to win the political argument, and to win elections. There are regular meetings of both the full IDU and its Regional Unions and Organisations. The officers of the IDU are elected at Party Leaders’ Meetings which are held every three or four years.
IDU has regards to their common beliefs in an open society, where power is dispersed widely amongst free institutions, dedicated to creating conditions that will enable each individual to reach his full potential and to carry out his responsibilities to his fellow man; and where the central task of government is to serve the individual and to safeguard and promote individual freedom.
IDU stresses the moral commitments of a free and open society, supporting the institution of the family as its fundamental social and cohesive force, as well as social responsibility towards the weak and less fortunate, particularly by encouraging self-help and individual enterprise and choice in the provision of services;
IDU believes in a society of individuals working together in partnership for the common good.
IDU believes that political democracy and private property are inseparable components of individual liberty and that the socially-oriented market economy provides the best means of creating the wealth and material prosperity to meet the legitimate aspirations of individuals, and of tackling social evils such as unemployment and inflation;
We believe in the right to free speech, non-violent dissent and right to free and elections.
We also believe in right to independent and free media, right to religious beliefs and equality before the law and individual opportunity and prosperity.
IDU regards the threats posed by the extreme Left and the extreme Right;
IDU rejects any form of totalitarianism, which brings so much suffering and restricts so many freedoms today.
The NPP applied and was admitted in 2007 as a full member of IDU at a party leaders meeting in France. Since then NPP has not looked back. Our membership has brought to us several advantages such as ;
Parties exchange of ideas, Campaign Managers meeting and Campaign strategist, Youth Forum, where principles and values of Youth activism in centre-right parties are demonstrated (IDU African Youth Freedom Forum 2015 was hosted in Accra by NPP Youth) and platform for women participation and training in politics in Africa among others.
The NPP is a member of DUA and has spearhead its activities tailored along centre-right values and policies around the continent.
The NPP has provided two term chairman of DUA (Mr. Peter Mac Manu) and a current secretary general (Hon. Charles Owiredu)
DUA memberships are invited to the upcoming IDU Executive Committee Meeting.
Participants form member parties of IDU are heading to Accra. Over 30 countries from across the globe will be coming.
NPP welcomes the delegates to the historic city of Accra and look forward to fruitful deliberations and strengthening of cooperation at all levels with the IDU.
Source:Peter Mac Manu (The Writer is IDU Vice Chairman, and also a Campaign Manager for NPP 2016 elections and a former National Chairman of NPP)