NPP National Youth Organiser, Sammy Awuku
The New Patriotic Party (NPP) has outlined a number of youth development policies which they will implement to address the current youth unemployment in the country, when they win the elections in December.
Speaking at a Youth Forum at Agbogbloshie in Accra, the National Youth Organizer of the party, Sammi Awuku, outlined a few of the Policies as, “ for graduates who have spent years studying to gain qualifications we will give tax relief to those employers who hire them – so that there will be the jobs available for them when they leave University – because we cannot afford as a country for our most qualified people to leave Ghana and take their energy and talent to other countries in order to find work.”
“We will also scrap the new taxes on private universities that John Mahama has introduced – this is a tax on knowledge, not only does it deny the opportunity of a university education to many young people but by raising the level of tuition fees it penalizing those families who are already struggling to make ends meet, and who have sacrificed so much to ensure that their children receive the best education that they can,” he stated.
Another NPP policy scrapped by the NDC which the party will restore, according to Sammi Awuku, is free metro transport for school-age children.
“Perhaps for the Big Men from the NDC transport fares are too little money for them to think about – but not for young parents struggling to make ends meet who are paying the cost of this mean spirited decision – for them every cedi counts,” he said.