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'No gree for anybody, not even Bawumia and his lies' – Sam George

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Fri, 9 Feb 2024 Source:

The Member of Parliament for Ningo-Prampram, Sam George, has voiced his unwavering position regarding assertions made by Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, stressing a lack of tolerance for deceit.

According to him, Dr. Bawumia is yet to fulfil many promises he has made since 2021.

He urged Ghanaians not to be deceived by Bawumia, using the popular Nigerian slang, 'no gree for anybody,’ meaning not letting anyone bully or cheat you to buttress his point.

Sam George, speaking in an interview with GhanaWeb, said “When Dr. Bawumia talks, digitization has taken over corruption at the passport office, did you not see Minister for Foreign Affairs storm the place very angry to sack ‘goro boys’? So where was the digitization? Even that claim of digitization has been disputed by the Daily Graphic report of September 2016 when that project was launched. Even the fact-check Ghana has called Dr. Bawumia a liar for putting out such fake information. A man’s words are what you will judge him on. This is the same person who made promises that they will build 350 schools, promising tertiary student loan for laptops, meanwhile, he has taken money from teachers and they have not gotten their laptops yet.

“He promises that children will now get unique Ghana Card numbers from birth. This is a story that was first announced by Bawumia in November 2021. He again announced in April 2022, in June 2022, February 2023, and April 2023, so this is the 6th time Bawumia is making such a promise. The macro indicators Bawumia gave are false and misleading and you sit and ask who are his advisors."

The Ningo-Prampram MP further stated that, “You say you are the one responsible for all digitization stuff yet you say, as for the E-Levy, I am not part of it. I mean this is a man we have come to know, to understand and recognize him for who he is, that he is a confident trickster, and he is someone who is going to trick the words and use fluency and eloquence bamboozle through Ghanaians. Right now, our eyes are open and this year, 2024, the motto is ‘no gree for anybody’ not even Bawumia and his lies."

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the Flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party, has announced that he will abolish the controversial E-Ley, Bet Tax, and Emissions Tax if elected as president of Ghana.

This announcement comes after the introduction of the E-Levy in 2022, a tax that Vice President Bawumia had previously expressed opposition to.

He had since maintained silence over the controversial levy.

During his first major address to the nation as the NPP flagbearer, Dr. Bawumia firmly stated his opposition to taxes on electronic financial transactions and emphasized that he would abolish the E-Levy to promote a cashless economy.

He added that he believes that encouraging the population to use electronic payment channels is crucial for achieving a digital and cashless Ghana.

Furthermore, Dr. Bawumia revealed plans to introduce a new tax regime, which includes abolishing the Emission Tax, tax on betting, and the proposed 15% VAT on electricity tariffs, if it remains in effect by January 2025.

He expressed his aim to create a friendly and flat tax regime that would benefit individuals and businesses, especially Small and Medium-scale Enterprises (SMEs) that constitute the majority of businesses in Ghana.

