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Okaikoi Central NDC holds reconciliation forum

Unbrella NDCFile photo

Thu, 28 Jan 2016 Source: GNA

The Okaikoi Central Constituency of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has organised a reconciliation forum to foster unity and a common front towards the 2016 November elections.

The forum was attended by constituency executives, the parliamentary candidate and the Minister of State in-charge of Public Private Partnership and Member of Parliament for Wa Central.

Mr Godwin Ziga, Vice Constituency Chairman in a welcoming address said the meeting was necessitated to reconcile and unite the constituents to pave the way for a possible victory in the upcoming elections in 2016.

He said it is important for the rough edges of the party to be smoothed to bring everybody on board towards a successful election.

Mr Rashid Issah, the constituency parliamentary candidate said the essence of the forum was not only to reconcile aggrieved persons but also to celebrate the peace the party and the nation is currently enjoying.

He said during the parliamentary primary some people were offended and so it is expedient to organise such a forum to reinforce unity in the party.

According to him, the 2016 election would be a foregone conclusion for the NDC adding: “In this election, I will wrestle the seat and also bring the party to power.”

He urged the constituency members to allow the reconciliation to pave the way for all hands to be on deck to ensure a convincing victory.

Mr Rashid Pelpuo observed that the mood of the participants had already shown that the intended purpose of the meeting had been achieved and described it as unique and worthy of emulation by all well-meaning party folks.

He urged members to galvanise support for the party and the parliamentary candidate for a sure victory comes November 2016.

Alhaji Yahya Kundo, a representative of the Greater Accra Regional Executives in a closing remark urged the aggrieved NDC Okaikoi Central Constituency members to forget the past and throw their weight behind the parliamentary candidate.

Source: GNA