
PPP youth wishes all Ghanaians Happy 56th Independence Celebration

Wed, 6 Mar 2013 Source: PPP


5th March, 2013

PPP Youth Demand Accountability as It Wishes all Ghanaians a Happy 56th Independence Celebration

The youth wing of the Progressive People’s Party (PPP) wishes the Government and People of Ghana a happy Independence Day celebration as Ghana turns 56 years on Wednesday, 6th March 2013. We have come a long way as a people and we are grateful to God for how far He has brought us. It is only right for us to impress upon our leaders, the need for them to be more responsible. They have neglected the constitutional demand bestowed on them by our thumbs for our safety and welfare.

On this national occasion, it is important to reflect on our history as a people, our attitude, culture, vision, and commitment to nation building. Above all, we must consider whether the democracy we have over the years struggled to live by has helped to promote and consolidate our collective agenda.

As it stands now, if we the youth of this country are asked: what are your wishes for Ghana? What are your heart desires and sincere wishes for our motherland? We will simply answer by saying, we are tired of wishes and desires...please ask us another question. We want a paradigm shift from just having jamborees and talk-shops. We want our country to move from mediocrity to excellence, etc. At the same time, we wish to extend our sincere condolence to mother Ghana for such an abysmal performance in development as we step into our 56th year of independence.

It is not amusing that we are celebrating our 56th birthday and we still linger in unstable power supply popularly called "Dum-so-Dum-so". No water, No electricity, No jobs for the graduates coupled with electoral fraud and mass rape of our scarce resource by selfish leaders who pride themselves in saying we have “come a long way".

We demand from our leaders to define the so-called “long way” Ghana has come whenever they mention it. Is it not a shame that these mediocre leaders have managed to infect all sectors of the country including the press with their mediocre thinking and have exploited the largely uneducated and unsuspecting masses for their own selfish interests? They appear exceptionally gentle but inwardly full of character flaws and weaknesses. Ghana deserves better than this way of thinking.

As we celebrate the day, we the youth of the PPP wishes to call on the central government to put a better programme of action in place to add new dimension to the celebration of the Independence Day Anniversary which would bring advanced social, political and economic benefits to the nation, particularly the younger generation in the country.

It is our wish that no individual in Ghana would sleep hungry or go without shelter on the Independence Day. The sight of our brothers and sisters sleeping out in the open everywhere we turn in Ghana pains us. Clearly government is not awake yet. This is the ideal time for Government to wake up.

It is our hope, that on a great day like this, government would be proud to say that it has managed to reduce unemployment rate in the country to about 4%. Not too long ago we all heard about the significant increase in the salaries for the President, Ministers and other top officials. As we speak, the president's monthly salary has gone up from about $4,240 to $6,357, and it is tax free. The salaries of Ministers, who also have benefits such as the use of two cars, a house with staff and an entertainment allowance, is now $4,770.

MPs' salaries have been increased by $2,225 to $3,800 a month. Meanwhile, we all know that the monthly minimum wage in Ghana is about $75 and civil servants, such as teachers, earn below $500. What is good for the goose is equally good for the gander. Why must our government officials and appointees enjoy the best of life whiles the membership of UGAG continue to swell each year? Why do only a few people enjoy the national cake at the expense of the larger society? Clearly, the destiny of the youth of Ghana cannot be guaranteed.

It is our hope that on an independence day like this, Ghana would have had high class inter regional high ways to boost communication and trade within Ghana, yet Bolga to Wa is a disaster, Buem to Akatsi is un-motor able and many more roads are still not constructed.

Over the years the anniversary has been celebrated at the national level with a parade of school children, security service personnel and some other identifiable bodies at the Independence Square with some regions and districts replicating the event.

We want to urge government to do something more fruitful on such a day by leaving positive economic and social legacies we can shout about about as we celebrate Independence Day every year instead of the usual marching past by school children.

We salute and wish the people of Ghana a happy 56th anniversary.

God Bless Ghana!



Divine Nkrumah

National Youth Coordinator

Progressive People’s Party

Source: PPP