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Police chase Akua Donkor’s boys

Madam Akua Donkor Gh Politics Founder and Leader of GFP

Wed, 7 Oct 2015 Source: Daily Guide

Founder of the Ghana Freedom Party (GFP), Madam Akua Donkor, seems to be making life unbearable for national executives of her party as she has purportedly reported them to the police.

This follows their decision to write to the Electoral Commission (EC) declaring their support for the call for an entirely new voter register ahead of the 2016 general elections, contrary to her personal position.

Akua Donkor has since lodged a complaint at the Accra Central police station against those who signed and sent the party’s position to the EC for consideration. They include the party’s National Chairman, Kwaku Abankwa; General Secretary, Agyenim Boateng; National Organiser and Co-Founder, Ernest Berkoh; Communications Director, Alex Ababio and Organiser in the Greater Accra Region, Isaac Buer Nortey, whom Akua Donkor branded as imposters.

She has therefore used her influence and connections in government to cause the arrest of the GFP officers, even though the EC had confirmed that the said officers are the legitimate executives of the GFP. They have since been granted bail.

They were picked up during the last Inter-Party Advisory Committee (IPAC) meeting at the premises of the EC on Wednesday, September 30, 2015.

General Secretary of the party, who has since been made to give a statement to the police together with his colleagues, narrated that they had gone for an IPAC meeting at the EC when police came there to invite them to the station over a complaint lodged by Akua Donkor that they had falsely presented their names to the elections body as national executives when they are not.

This was said to have provoked an argument between some of the executives and the police detectives.

But after a back and forth argument between the two sides, the GFP executives finally agreed to go with the police to the station where they were made to give written statements and were granted bail and asked to report yesterday, October 6, 2015, with documents that show that they are true national officers of the party.

They therefore went to the Central police station on Tuesday, together with their lawyers, armed with documents confirming their members, including a letter from the EC signed by one Principal Electoral Officer, Nana Kwaku Doudu, confirming their respective positions as national officers of the party.

The national executives have since been asked to report back to the police on Friday, October 16, 2015.

“We feel Akua Donkor is using the police to intimidate us but we will not be cowed into fear,” Agyenim Boateng indicated whilst expressing disappointment in the action of the police who he believes are being used by people in government to carry out “these needless acts.”

Source: Daily Guide