
Political Parties asked to stay away from district assembly poll

Tue, 7 Feb 2006 Source: GNA

Obuasi (Ash), Feb 7, GNA - Mr Emmanuel Kofi Antwi, Obuasi Municipal Director of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), has urged the political parties to stay away from the forthcoming district assembly elections as prohibited by the constitution.

According to Article 248, clause two of the Constitution, "Political parties shall not endorse, sponsor or offer a platform to or any way campaign for or against a candidate seeking election to a district assembly or any other local government unit". Mr Antwi was opening a day's sensitization seminar for over 120 assembly members, unit committee members and chiefs on the upcoming district assembly elections at Obuasi.

The seminar, which was organized by the Commission, was aimed at explaining the district assembly concept in order to whip up the interest of those who wanted to contest in the mid-year elections. Mr Antwi warned that any candidate who solicited assistance from or sponsored by a political party would have his or her candidature disqualified.

He told the participants that the district assembly was a means through which the 1992 Constitution sought to place the development of communities or districts in the hands of the inhabitants. Mr Antwi, therefore, urged the people to ensure that the district assemblies' common fund is effectively used to develop the districts. "The effective use of the common fund can be achieved only through the vigilance and active involvement of the people in the affairs of the district", he held. Mr Antwi observed that communities were linked to the district assemblies through the assembly members, town and area councils as well as unit committees and that "these channels must be used to demand accountability from the assembly". He advised the electoral areas to look for candidates who possessed initiative and drive and had the ability and in depth knowledge of the local problems. 07 Feb. 06

Source: GNA