
Press Conference By The Coalition Of Ndc Youth In Ashanti

Wed, 8 Feb 2012 Source: --


Bad Morning ladies and gentlemen of the Press and fellow comrades. We know some of you will ask why we have deviated from the norm of greeting but all you need to know is that we are not in a good mood at all. Of course, we cannot be in a good mood while we clearly see our party heading to opposition as we speak.

What is going on in the NDC?????????

Are we in Power or not???????????

Do we need power come 2012 and do we deserve it at all???????

We will not waste your time this morning ladies and gentlemen; we will go straight to our reasons for this conference but let us give the background to our fury.

There is a gargantuan division in our party which has been aggravated by the Wayomegate saga.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are here because of one strong pillar in our party; Hon. Betty Mould-Iddrisu. What has she done??? Hon Betty Mould’s role in this Wayome saga has clearly been identified by the report from the EOCO. According the report, Hon. Betty Mould authorized payment for an amount of GHC17,094,493.53 to Alfred Woyome by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MOFEP) which she made sure Alfred Woyome signed an undertaken to refund plus interest should he (Woyome) lose the case. By this, Ghana can recover the amount paid to Woyome if the case goes against him.

This clearly exonerate Hon Betty Mould from any charge of having caused financially lose to the State.

Now, why do you media and those nation wreckers in the NDC keep on manipulating the report against the noble woman.

Now to the NDC

Ladies and Gentlemen, we can confirm to you that Hon Betty Mould Iddrisu is the background of the NDC party in this region. She has single-handedly endured the burden of the various activities of this region.

The NDC women’s wing in particular and the NDC Secretariat in general (all in Ashanti) have witnessed monumental improvements in their activities; courtesy Hon. Betty Mould.

Her performance as the Minister of Education has given the Ashanti region a real boost in terms of educational infrastructure.

We are aware of her contribution to the development of the two (2) Kwabre Districts and Constituencies where she hails from.

We are particularly aware of her contributions to the three Atwima Districts where the Regional Minister Hon Kwaku Agyeman Mensah hails from.

We are aware of Hon. Betty Mould’s contribution to the women and youth wings of the party.

Why have all these actors and beneficiaries kept quiet when their mentor and idol is being persecuted for doing nothing wrong?? Or are they afraid of the unseen and evil hands hovering within the NDC???

Ladies and gentlemen, we plead with you to use your medium to carry our simple message to these actors mentioned above;

1. We give all of these persons including the Regional Minister, the DCEs, the party executives, the women and youth wings of the region one week to advance their voices to this issue.

2. Failure to that, we will run after them and seize any physical resource given them by our model.

3. The National NDC party is also given one week to show that it is the party that gave birth to government

4. Government is humbly advised to leave Hon. Betty Mould Iddrisu out this persecution if they are interested in getting more than a single vote in Ashanti come 2012. They must remember that the NPP can win 2012 with Ashanti Region alone against all other regions.

5. We are suspending our operations to the NDC party from today until further notice.

Any attempt on Betty Mould is a jinx on the fortune of this party in the region

We are proud of Betty Mould and are ready to sacrifice our existence for her because without her our party is out of existence in this region.

Thank you Ladies Gentlemen for honoring our invitation.

Long live Betty Mould!

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