
Rachel Appoh’s campaign team sends message to her as she continues recovery from accident in US

Rachel Appoh is receiving medical care in the US following an accident

Mon, 26 Jun 2023 Source:

The campaign team of the National Democratic Congress’ parliamentary candidate hopeful for the Gomoa Central constituency, Rachel Appoh have sent her message of speedy recovery following an accident she suffered in the United States of America.

In a statement issued on June 22, 2023, the committee prayed for the quick revivification of Rachel Appoh.

The committee said that news of the accident that nearly claimed the life of Rachel Appoh hit them with shock and sadness but were happy to find out that she responding to treatment.

“We have received the news about your involvement in a car accident in United State of America with shock. It came to us as a surprise and we're still finding it difficult to come to terms with it. We are so sorry for what has happened.

“We wish you a speedy recovery to enable you join us soon for the work ahead of us back home. We want to assure you of our unflinching support in this difficult moment and pray for God's intervention. We wish you well,” the statement reads.

While a cloud of uncertainty remains about her ability to contents the primaries, Team Rachel Appoh believes she has a good chance of winning the primaries as well the elections.

The belief is anchored on the philanthropic works Rachel Appoh has been undertaken in the constituency.

It is believed his Obaasima Foundation which seeks advance the welfare of widows in the constituency takes care over 2000 widows dotted across various communities in the constituency.

The foundation, under its Women in Agriculture initiative has also provided direct employment to over 600 women in the constituency.

Her incredible support to the less-privileged in the society has also seen her provide support for over 300 person living with disabilities.

Also her record as lawmaker for the constituency which is manifested in the various developmental projects she undertook remains unparalleled and is fondly remembered by the constituents.

In the view of Team Rachel Appoh, these initiatives has placed her ahead of any other candidate in the constituency and that if she is able to recover in time from the unfortunate event, she would be the NDCs surest ticket of winning the polls.

Rachel Appoh who is the former MP for the area was seeking a return but her recent accident which is the third she has experienced in the United States has placed her bid in doubt.

Expectations are rife that the former Deputy Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection will recover early to partake in the primaries and win the ticket to represent the NDC in the 2024 elections.
