
Samia Nkrumah to launch CPP Friday Freedom Forum

Thu, 27 Oct 2011 Source: --

In response to the growing public support and the deepening of the national goodwill towards the Convention People’s Party, the Chairperson and Leader of CPP and the National Secretariat of the Convention People’s Party (CPP) are pleased to sponsor and initiate the launching on Friday, November 4, 2011 of its first Friday Freedom Forum (FFF) at the CPP Headquarters from 6 – 9pm.

The aim of the FFF is to put forward and to communicate to the people of Ghana the Party’s immediate agenda as well as its plans for the near future when it attains the mandate to govern Ghana. Important to the Party are the issues of Party discipline, the projection and promotion of a positive image of the Party and the inculcation of the attitude of humility, self-respect, humanism, simplicity and service to the country; which will be representative of the Party values of putting people first, self-determination, collective responsibility and Pan-Africanism.

The launch of the Friday Freedom Forum at the Party Headquarters will bring together all new and existing Party members to discuss ongoing matters pertaining to Party education, membership drive, communication of Party policies, public education and the development of a mass following. The FFF will also have an artistic content to add fun to all of its proceedings.

The program of the Friday Freedom Forum will be replicated at all Regional Offices and suitable Branch locations across the country.

Inaugural Program: Friday November 4, 2011 - 6-9pm

Venue: Open Space at the Head Office of the Convention People’s Party, Mango Street, Asylum Down, Accra.

The program will be hosted by Kabu Okai-Davies, CPP aspiring candidate for the Korley Klottey Constituency; Playwright, Poet and Author, Theatre Producer and Director, Kabu Okai-Davies is currently the Director of Creativity and Innovation at the African University College of Communications, Adabraka, Accra.

Outline of the Inaugural Program: Friday, November 4th, 2011; 6-9pm

· Welcome of Guests and Members by Host: Kabu Okai-Davies, CPP Aspiring Parliamentary Candidate, Korley Klottey Constituency

· Introduction of the Friday Freedom Forum

· Opening song by CPP Choir

· Inauguration of the Friday Freedom Forum and inaugural presentation by Honourable Samia Yaba Nkrumah, Leader and Chairperson, Convention People’s Party, Member of Parliament, Jomoro, Western Region.

· Question and Answer Period

· Member comments and announcements

· Membership drive and Closing remarks by Host: Kabu Okai-Davies

· Music by Choir of the People by the People, (CPP) and social evening and refreshments

Guest speakers for subsequent Forums will include CPP luminaries, Presidential and Parliamentary aspirants, Party Executives, Youth Leaders and Party Members, academics, intellectuals, artists and theorist on Nkrumahism.

Future Performers will be announced in due course.

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