
The Hopes And Aspirations Of Africa’s Majority Are Not Being Met - CPP

Wed, 23 Sep 2009 Source: Media & Communications Directorate

Saturday 19th September 2009 was a day to remember in the United Kingdom as crowds both old and young throng the Peckham Academy in South East London from all over the United Kingdom to witness the main celebration event of the centenary birthday and the life and works of the First President of Ghana, arch Pan-Africanist, Visionary and African of the Millennium – Dr Kwame Nkrumah. People from all walks of life and race came there to hear and witness as well as participate in the near carnival atmosphere with a durbar of African Chiefs, Academics, drumming, dancing, exhibitions, traditional African bazaars selling exotic foods, African clothing, paintings, books and for the first time in the UK the full set of Dr Nkrumah’s books were on display as well as for sale to the public by the Convention Peoples Party UK and Ireland branch (CPP).

The Speakers included notable academic Prof. Cecil Gutzman of the University of the West Indies and the Chairman of CPP UK & Ireland – Nii Armah Akomfrah. Speaking on the “ Current Stage of Neo-Colonialism in Africa” Mr Akomfrah said “ In Modern African States today, the hopes and aspirations of the people are not being met. But the hopes and aspirations of a minority and a privileged few is being met”, that “the political policy of the state in terms of how the resources of the continent must be used has been subjected to foreign interests” Mr Akomfrah went on to say quoting Mazzini – “ Place the young at the head of the insurgent masses; you do not know what strength is latent in those young hands, what magic influence the voices of the young have on the crowd; you will find in them a host of apostles for the new religion. But youth lives on movement, grows great in enthusiasm and faith. Consecrate them with a lofty mission; inflame them with emulation and praise; spread through their ranks the word of fire, the word of inspiration; speak to them of country, of glory, of power, of great memories.”

The programme was the second of the events marking the 100th anniversary , orgainsed by the Kwame Nkrumah @100 Planning Committee made up of twenty four black and progressive organisations, including Churches, Trade Unions and the CPP UK & Ireland.

There were solidarity messages from a cross section of Nkrumahists from across the globe including a video anniversary message from June Milne, Dr Nkrumah’s Literary Executrix and the Nkrumah family.

The day’s activities included drumming, cultural dancing, prayers, libations, seminars, performances, showing of films, documentaries, presentations of Dr Nkrumah’s life and works, youth presentations, and general music and dancing etc. At the end of the day what most who attended were clear on was that Dr Kwame Nkrumah was Africa’s greatest hero with a legacy that will leave on for generations to come.

At the stroke of midnight on the 21st September the Elders of the CPP UK & Ireland lead by Mr B.B Ossei poured libation to symbolically mark the day at the Garden City Restuarant, Leytonstone , North London. Libation was poured by Nana Senya.

Sunday 27th will see the crowning of events in the UK with a Multi Faith Church service at Westminster Methodist Central Hall, to which allBristish as well as Ghanaian political parties as well as the Diplomatic Corps have been invited.

Media & Communications Directorate CPP UK & Ireland

Source: Media & Communications Directorate